How to Take Appealing Selfies
Younger adults and children as well are taking a lot of selfies today more than any other time in history. Younger women are reported to spend a lot of time to prepare and take the best selfie they can and usually the number of shots may be staggering. Sometimes taking the ideal selfie could see a change of makeup several times, changing hairstyles and even venues and that means a lot of effort and time. There are tips that you could use to make sure that you are taking less time taking selfies and while at it, take better selfies. Selfie taking is not that easy, but when you have updated yourself with the tips you can be guaranteed that you will not be disappointed anymore.
Today people engage more on social media platforms and selfies are considered to be one of the best self-expression platforms hence the need to have them right. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, people that are following you on different social media platforms can tell a lot about you from what selfies the see uploaded. The first thing you need to have right is the camera height, the best selfie shots are those that are taken higher than the line of vision. Selfies that have a more than one people will automatically need a higher camera height if you are to capture everything that you want in the photo. If you have been having problems with taking selfies in the past, chances are that your lighting is not the best. If you find it much more sensible taking photos in the middle of the day, you need to mind the shadow effect. Face tilts works wonders for some people, if you don’t get the best selfies being straight on consider gently tilting your head for a better shot.
Some people find double chins quite detrimental to how they appear in photos regardless of whether they are alone or in a group of people, by tilting the head up or down, you can take care of that. By holding piece of paper right under your double chin, reflection of light will help conceal the double chin. A natural smile in a selfie is like the icing on the cake, it enhances the desired features on your face making the perfect shot. Wearing brighter lipstick will work great for ladies as you get to highlight lips, avoid dark lipstick that will make you appear old or tired. Watch your angles as well, for full body selfies having the best angle will make you look really good.