What You Should Know About This Year

Ways of Achieving an Healthy Looking Skin

Your skin can easily show how old you are. The common feature for all old people is a wrinkled skin. You can achieve a healthy looking skin if you follow the steps below.

You should wash your face regularly and in the right way. There is a lot of dust and other dirt particles that collect on your face as you pursue your daily activities. This dirt can clog your skin pores thus affecting the respiratory processes of the skin like waste elimination and air exchange. Always, before you go to bed, you should wash your face. Therefore, you need to wash your face more than once in a day; in the morning, before going to bed, whenever you sweat, as well as after application of facial makeup. It is important to find detergents which are compatible with your skin whenever you intend to clean your face. Soaps that have no additives should be used by people with oily skin, whereas moisturized soaps are more suitable for persons with a dry skin. For extra oily skins, they should try hemp skin care. However, you shouldn’t scrub your face so hard, whether your skin is oily or dry.

Secondly, you should exfoliate your skin, which is totally different from scrubbing. Exfoliation is a procedure carried out on the skin to remove all the dead cells on the skin, thus allowing growth of new ones. The new cells will give your face a younger and healthier look. Your skin normally sheds off these dead cells after every two weeks, but you can decide to do it more often. At home, you can use micro scrubbers to carry out exfoliation, or you can visit a beauty spa. You should exfoliate your dry skin only once in a week, and your oily skin at most three times in a week. You should be careful not to overdo it because it may cause irritation and some redness.

Cigarette smoking and other bad habits should also be totally avoided. Your skin can develop wrinkles if you smoke a lot of cigarettes, though not in a direct way. The nicotine destroys the collagen fibers and other elastics on the face which in turn causes wrinkles. You also need to be cautious about sun rays and other agents that can physically harm your skin. Whereas most people bask in the sun during summer, the truth is that they are exposing their skin to ultraviolet rays. These UV rays are responsible for sunburns on the skin, which are as a result of destruction of skin cells. It is believed that ultraviolet rays are responsible for causing skin cancer, something most people dread.