It is a very challenging task to deal with dementia a parent and at the same time be caring for children. Therefore, one needs to be advised on how he or she can take care of their children but also pay close attention to their parents. Dealing with dementia in a parent will be easy when one considers the tips that make caring for a dementia parent easy.
Talking about this arrangement with everyone to see if everyone is filling for you is a very important factor to consider before starting to give care to the parents. One’s children need to understand everything before their parents start giving dementia care to their grandparents. As young as they might seem, kids need to be told at least something if not everything pertaining to dementia care their parents are about to give.
Addressing a confusion with a short simple explanation to your parents should always be the key. The confusion might be not understanding what they are doing at your house or even not being able to tell their grandchildren. Frustration and confusion might kick in as a result of not understanding why you are in their house and other things. Trying to figure out what caused a sudden change in the mood of maybe shouting or lashing out is important.
Shouting becomes common to the ailing parents and sometimes it’s the only way they know of how to respond to things. It is very tempting for one to lose their temper when the parents and the children are also tempered. Breaking monotonous is very important to kids as they always feel energized after maybe arranging playdates with their friends once in a while. Reducing problems and acting out normally in the house will be a sight to be seen every day when the kids fell they are still cherished.
Once in a while, one needs to get break as you also need to release your own stress of making sure the kids are not stressed at all. Organizing days of taking some off time is very important before starting to take care of the ailing parent.
Whenever you take a break it is very important to arrange for someone to come and care for the parents before you come back. Challenges will be unending therefore one need to always look for advice in various places in order to take care of their parents perfectly. One is encouraged to open up about what they are feeling to their kids or even parents. Expressing ones feeling can help one avoid temper or not being friendly with the parents or kids.