On should get to know if they love beer and if they would want to learn way more about it. It is important to understand that you may think that you know it all but when it comes to beer, you will never be an expert unless you get to brew it by yourself. It is important to understand that making beer from home is not something that is very complex and costly.
You should know that making beer from your home is something that could easily become the kind of hobby that you get to enjoy. If you wish to make beer from your home, you should know that you could easily find the ingredients from the online platforms or the stores. When it comes to equipment, you already have most of them in your own kitchen. From the article below, you would get to learn of how you could brew beer from your own home.
Before you begin, you should ensure that you have gathered all the kinds of ingredients and equipment that you would require. You could decide to get the ingredients and the equipment on your own or you could get a brewing kit. The kinds of equipment that you would require include freezer bags, rolling pin, brew pot, strainer, burner, thermometer, funnel, large bottling container and bottles. It is important to take note of the fact that to make the best kind of beer from home you would require ingredients such as five gallons of water, six pounds of dried malt extract, sixteen ounces crushed crystal malt, two ounces of brewer pellet hops, one package of brewer yeast and a cup of sugar.
After you have collected all the ingredients and the equipment required, get to crushing the grain. When it comes to crushing the grain, you would require the freezer bag, the crystal malt and the rolling pin. Put the crystal malt inside the freezer bag and ensure that you seal it in the right way. Use that rolling pin to crash the malt.
The second thing to do would be to hit it up. In this step, you will be required to steep things up like you would tea. You would use the kitchen strainer or just a muslin bag. You will have to pour the five gallons of water in your brewing pot then put it on top of the burner. From there add the malt and hops, cool the wort, pitch the yeast then ferment.