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Used Books on Your Shelves? Donate to Charity

If at all you are constrained of financial means, but are all too willing to support a charitable course, you shouldn’t despair. This is looking at the fact that there are lots of ways that you can make your donations to a charity apart from through giving monetary gifts. One of these is by just taking a look at your bookshelf. Those used books there are on your shelves, which you no longer need or use, can be given to a charity which can put them to some sure meaningful use or better still they can have them sold and the proceeds be put to some other purpose in line with their purpose, projects and programs.

There are a host of benefits of donating used books to charity. As such, if you have on your shelves those piles of books that are already used and may not be as relevant to you going forward, there is surely no need letting them occupy that space in the home, all but gathering dust. The moment you feel you are done with a book, it would be such a great idea taking the book to a charitable organization as a donation which can then make some good use of the book. For these organizations, these used books still mean a lot and are of immense value, supporting their programs such as we have with the charity program run by the Lakota Friends, who strive to put a book in the hands of the boys and girls, the Children of Pine Ridge, in the South Dakota region.

As a matter of fact, making such a decision to give out your used books to a charitable organization in whose purpose and program you believe in is a way to support them without having to incur so much in direct out of pocket expenses. You had already paid for the book and at the very least you have used it and as such, now that you are done with it, giving it out to a charitable cause you believe is more of a bonus to allow you fulfil your life purpose and give back to the society at large. It is certainly not going to cost you a thing. But the little gesture of generosity you show will sure have a huge impact on the cause and program of the organization you will be making the donation to. The following is a look at some of the benefits of donating books to charitable causes.

One, it helps provide for resources required for projects. As a matter of fact, the book donations can help such non-profits reduce their operating expenses or costs. For your information, take a look at various non-profits and you will realize that much of their programs and service tend to call for various kinds of literary materials or books. As such, fr these to run, there would have to be such heavy allocation of funds to these projects, that is the purchase of reading materials. As such, when you give out, you give them an opportunity to make use of the little resources they have on other equally pressing needs within their organization.

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