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How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Everybody in the world is trying to solve poverty and become well-established and have a comfortable financial life. But we have to admit that getting to financial freedom is not an easy thing. Many people work for several hours a day to make their ends meet in their quest to achieve financial freedom. But sometimes it is important to understand that there is a set path in which you can follow to be happy with what you have. In this guide I will tell you a biblical way in which you can achieve financial freedom.

Understand where you belong

The most powerful thing you can do is knowing thyself. If you know your weaknesses and strengths you will be able to work on them and know what you should prioritising life. It’s also important for you to know your position in the wealth or financial freedom quadrant. Let’s get to a theory.

We have the theory that establishes four levels of wealth. In it we have got a quadrant that tries to explain what activities and level of financial freedom each person in the world is. The Apex has got the person who’s always free in terms of time and has their money working for them. The other quadrants explains the typical company director who has shares in a company and still serves in it. Then we have the typical business person who has to be there for the business to work. And the last quadrant has the person who is basically in the middle class or working class. These are the people who have to work to earn. All these people are trying to achieve financial freedom in life and it is important for you to know which quadrant you belong in. This will help you understand the nature of steps that you should take so that to move forward or change your life for the better.

Put in The structures

One of the world’s greatest billionaires Warren Buffett has always insisted that you need to have several channels and sources of income. His advice is that if you do not find a way to earn while you sleep you will work for the rest of your life. And there is a lot of wisdom in this world because if you want to achieve financial freedom you must be able to earn while you are not actually working. You need to make your money work for you while you are away. Again you should set enough structures in place so that they can function even when you are not there. You need to ask yourself what would happen if you get sick. What would happen if you quit your job. What would happen if you took a leave of about 1 year. With your business crumble? Would your employees still be motivated to keep your company running question marks if you have answers to this questions then you should use that advice to create better structures in your business.

The hand that giveth receiveth

There is a lot of wisdom in the Bible says that the hand that gives is blessed. Have you ever looked around and seen several billionaires in the world who are always giving out their money to the poor? Have you seen people who we don’t actually know how they get their money because they are always trying to reach out to people in need? And it beats you that they are always getting richer and richer every day even after giving a lot of their billions to charity. There is a lot of wisdom in giving and the Bible was points on. You realise that you have to give in order to create room for more. Giving makes you realise that you should create more money and wealth. In fact the ultimate goal of financial freedom is to be able to solve other people’s problems using your success.

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