Jim Plante and Eliminating the Need for Dialysis Diets During Holidays

Jim Plante and the businesses he has founded are driven by the goal to end inherited diseases that have serious consequences. Mr. Plante’s initial determination began with learning that polycystic kidney disease runs in his family. That disorder eventually results in end-stage renal failure and the need for routine dialysis to survive.

A Very Restricted Diet

Many men and women who are in good health worry about maintaining self-discipline during the holidays from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. They hope not to succumb to excess temptation when it comes to sweets, high-calorie foods and alcoholic beverages. Kidney dialysis patients have even bigger concerns since they must follow a very restricted diet that does not interfere with their treatment effects. It’s crucial that they avoid certain mistakes that can inadvertently happen during this celebratory season.

The Temptation of Sugar

Anyone undergoing routine dialysis may have trouble staying committed to a restrictive diet at this time of year when faced with homemade cookies, Christmas candy and a variety of baked goods. Each day should start with a plan on what the person will eat and how to avoid temptation. That said, indulging a little too much on cookie day at work should not be cause for undue guilt. The person can get back on track the next day.

Keeping Sodium Intake Low

Finding ways to keep sodium intake at a low level is important. Some typical culprits include turkey stuffing and casseroles with cream soup. Making these foods from scratch instead of making them with commercial products can cut the salt content substantially.

Managing Leftovers

Sometimes people eat too much at a holiday dinner that they serve at their home because the prospect of all that leftover food seems daunting. There are two appealing solutions to the problem of too many leftovers. One is to stock up on disposable plastic containers ahead of time and send plenty of food home with guests. The other is to make plans for how to use leftovers like turkey, ham and mashed potatoes. These foods can be frozen and eaten later. They can be used to make pot pies and other hearty winter meals.