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Combating Soil Erosion

By definition, soil erosion is the removal of the upper layer of soil or removing soil from the surface by water, wind and deforestation. Cutting trees and fast running water can boost the odds of soil erosion easily. Because the practice for soil erosion increases and threat for global warming is through the roof, people now starts to realize the importance of using and discovering effective methods to control or prevent it.

The techniques or methods which are used in preventing water pollution or soil loss is otherwise referred to as soil erosion control methods. In most cases, these methods are being used in natural and urban areas as well as in agricultural settings. The geo textiles, vegetation, retaining walls and mulch are few of the common methods being used for such purpose.

Mulches are allowing top soil to soak the water slowly. This water is maintaining the pH value and at the same time, it is protecting it against rain impacts. On the other hand, retaining walls are a lot more effective when it comes to soil erosion prevention. These walls could be built around the area where the water runs off and causing soil erosion. Geo textiles however are another known method that effective helps in vegetation by stabilizing the soil. Anyone can control soil erosion very easily using natural methods of planting vegetation for it tightly holds the soil at place and stabilizing the soil which in exchange prevents erosion.

In addition to the said methods, we will be discussing as well other ways of controlling soil erosion.

Number 1. Planting of trees around the area in which erosion normally occurs because these are providing shelter to the soil and also, preventing excess water.

Number 2. You may even build a nice piece of wind barrier that will help in stopping wind from blowing the soil away.

Number 3. Yet another method is to create organic mulch which has the ability of minimizing temperature of soil and then, preventing erosion.

Number 4. The soil has to be watered regularly or at least, make an effort to keep it moist. On the other hand, make sure that it is not overwatered for it would wash away the soil and degrade its overall quality. For this one, you may consider using damp piles of mulch that serves as an easy fix.

Number 5. Keep the vegetation strong enough to promote healthy growth for it would hold the soil at its place while protecting the surface.

Number 6. Search for methods as per your climatic conditions, locations, size of land or farm and soil texture for an effective soil erosion method application.

Number 7. It will be ideal if you are going to plant grass and shrubs whenever possible so long as grasses would prevent water retention of the soil. Oftentimes, it is fairly useful for the physical structures as well.

Also, channels and dukes are fairly effective ways of soil erosion methods. This helps you control water with dike and some not just control water flow but redirecting it through channels.

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