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Effects of Plastic Straws

There is more concern these days over what needs to be done to preserve the environment. Paper straws may seem like a small thing, but they are helping companies make a difference to how we handle environmental preservation. There is the fact that they will work much better for your business than you can expect plastics to.

There is a problem with plastic straws, where a ton of them are used and disposed of daily. When you look at the fact that they are not biodegradable, you see how they are terrible for the environment. It thus makes sense for you to think of using paper straws.

The way paper straws have brought some positive changes to the environment means they are worth the consideration. As more and more countries are beginning to ban the use of plastics, you need to make sure your company is not left behind. Some might argue that plastic straws are not that big of a contributor to the plastic problems we present to the environment. But any effort to eliminate the use of plastic is welcome. Paper straws are there to occupy that space in a more sustainable manner.

You will find paper straws to be biodegradable. When you use a plastic straw and discard it, it will find its way to a landfill or the ocean. Plastic will not easily decompose, and will keep harming the environment in that duration. Paper straws will, on the other hand, remain biodegradable and compostable. If they find their way into the ocean, it is only a matter of a few days before their break down.

You will notice that paper straws decompose much faster. We have seen that plastic takes a long time to decompose, more than 200 years. Paper straws need only six weeks to decompose.

Paper straws also reduce the need for plastic straws. Our dependency on plastic straws is an international crisis. It will remain the trend until people become aware of the presence of other options. Only after we become aware of that option and see plastic straws for what they are, we will stop that trend.

Paper straws are also affordable. After learning of the effects of plastic straws, more and more people are beginning to see the need to buy paper straws. While the demand creates a price increase, the increment has not gotten out of hand. You will still afford them, and make them available by placing bulk orders. It is how you ensure your business never runs out of that option. You can click on this link to place your order.

Paper straws do not affect wildlife. They break down so fast they will not leave room for harming the wildlife. An animal swallowing them will not suffer the same way if it had been microplastics.

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