The Best House Plants
Indoor plants are beneficial to have, one of them being their ability to clear the harmful chemicals in the air. some of them have high oxygen production capability. as you pick among them; you need to keep in mind the best conditions for them to grow. These plants will also make the house look good as they purify the air.
The peace lily is one such plant that gives of lots of oxygen. It is easy to grow, and shall also give off pollen and floral scents to the house. It will flower through summer, and can survive well in shady areas.
There is also the Mother-in-Laws Tongue, a plant that is immune to destruction and can survive dry conditions.
The Bamboo plant needs lots of sun for it to grow. They shall grow a bit, increasing their ability to purify the air.
You can also count on the Garden Mum for prepare air purification. They are also popular, thus increasing the chances of you coming across one where you are. You can also take it out to the garden once you are done with it indoors.
The rubber plant can function in different temperature settings. It needs minimal maintenance work. You do not have to expose it to too much light.
The dwarf date palm needs average sunlight to thrive. You can also count on it to remove chemicals from the air. It, however, has some sharp pines near its base, which means you need to keep it away from kids and pets.
You can also rely on the Boston fern to do an excellent job removing formaldehyde from the air. You will, however, need to give it extra attention by watching the condition of the soil and its body.
The areca palm is among the best for removing toxins that are harmful to your health. It is also perfect for dry climates since it gives off a lot of water vapor. When choosing one to buy, go for those with large trunks, since this plant grows up to 12 feet.
The Dracaena Janet Craig can live for many years if you keep insects and mites away from it. It needs a medium to low light areas. It shall efficiently get rid of trichloroethylene from the air.
The Ficus Alii plant, on the other hand, does not attract insects. It will efficiently remove harmful toxins from the air. You however, have to make sure it is away from AC units and limits its watering.
When it comes time to buy these plants, remember to check the size of the plant you have chosen, the amount of light in your house, and what irrigation system you will get. You can also read more here about what else to do.
You can discover more methods of eradicating waste from your house on this site.