Review on Surprising Facts on Immigration Laws that Every American Should Know
You find that America’s immigration laws are constantly changing due to increase in the number of immigrants. Reviewing these policies is essential in ensuring that immigration doesn’t strain the economy. Read more to learn the surprising facts on immigration laws in America.
The first one is family-based immigration. Family-based immigration will allow one to migrate if they already have a close member of the family in the U.S. The bracket includes spouse, child, parent, or sibling who must be U.S citizens or they must have a green card. To file a petition of parent’s immigration, you must be above 21 years. Being that this is the easiest way to migrate to the U.S it accounts for two-thirds of immigrants every year.
Apart from that, there are refugee admissions. You should note that these laws have grown strict under Trump’s administration. This is a result of raising security concerns and a strain on the country’s resources. It is essential to note that under the refugee admission policy, there is an asylum policy. Which demands that one goes through a rigorous interview aimed at proving persecution due to race, religion and political factors. This documentation has greatly contributed to a drastic decline in numbers of refugee immigration.
Besides, we also have employment-based immigration. This policy focuses on acquiring skills for the American Economy. One thing that you should know is that the efforts to increase employment-based immigration are underway because the demand for diverse skills is high. Remember that this type of policy restricts immigrant investors.
The next immigration policy is diversity visa. This opens for application every year to ensure equal representation of immigrants in the U.S. It is essential to note that this seeks at allowing immigrants from developing countries into the U.S. It is true to note that the system is based on luck and millions apply.
Apart from that, there is also temporary permission. You should not that this is a temporary legal residence in the U.S and there is no work permit of specified reason to stay long in the U.S. This policy will allow foreigners to work in the U.S for a short time. You can as well get more help here on different programs.
In addition, there is also H-1B Visa. You find that this is the U.S most extensive temporary employment program which is awarded to highly-skilled foreign workers. This type of policy is keen on academic qualifications and those with a master’s degree have an advantage over applicants with lower educational qualifications. You should also know that this policy plans to restrict work permits for spouses to those that already have the visa.